a church of
many languages.

What does it mean to live the heart and mind of Christ?
Living the mind of Christ requires humility, as we place the needs of others center stage in our ministries. We focus on loving each other deeply, by not pushing our way to the front or seeking advantages.
Living the heart of Christ requires compassion, as we engage others where they are found. Through compassion we comfort the afflicted. We also afflict the comfortable, creating a more just and beloved community.
Living the heart and mind of Christ roots us deeply in our relationship with the divine loving mystery we call God.

What does it mean to do this at the heart of our city?
God planted our faith community in a particular place and we find ourselves at a particular time in history. At the heart of the city is where our ministry happens.
Our ministries are not just within our walls, but in and with our community and world. We listen and respond to needs beyond our walls through our partnerships with community organizations, for we understand the power of connection.

What does it mean to be an intentionally multicultural community of faith?
Intentionally multicultural ministry is messy as we will make mistakes as we engage each other across our cultural diversity. Yet by the grace of God, we learn from each other how to appreciate and celebrate our unique cultures.
It is also hard work as we learn to share power across our diversity, listening to all voices in the mix as we make decisions.

How does this impact our ministry?
Our worship ministry occurs in English, Indonesian, and Urdu, and when we come together as a whole church many more languages and cultures are lifted up and celebrated.
Our diversity creates bonds around the globe as we engage in places that press on the hearts of our members. We reach out with compassion in Indonesia, Pakistan, Malawi, and Egypt, and are always open to more possibilities as the Spirit moves in us together.
We are a foretaste of what John of Patmos saw, “There was a great multitude from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, worshiping together."