global outreach
Partnering with Pakistan, Malawi, and Indonesia
The Global Outreach of the First Presbyterian Church represents the diversity of our members. We seek to support mission endeavors in countries of origin where there is direct involvement of an individual or our denomination. We currently support the following global mission endeavors:
Forman Christian College in Lahore, Pakistan
Our contributions help college students with their tuition costs and we have a member of the church that actively serves on the Board of Friends of Forman Christian College, the US entity that collects and sends funds to Pakistan.
Friends of Presbyterian Education Board (PEB) Pakistan
Our contributions help elementary students with their tuition costs. This is a mission supported by our denomination.
Missionaries Esther Shin and Noah Park
Our contributions support their mission work as Associates for Ecumenical Partnerships in Egypt serving the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Egypt, Synod of the Nile. Shin and Park were commissioned and sent by our denomination since 2016.
Missionary Farsijani Adeney-Risakotta
Our contributions support her mission work were she teaches in the Master of Management in Social Entrepreneurship program at Duta Wacana Christian University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Adeney-Risakotta was commissioned and sent by our denomination since 2003.
Through a congregational member from Malawi we provide funds to support critical food needs during December of each year.