The heart of Christ is compassionate, so we seek to really see others and so we can respond to what we see - the hungry (Hunger Walk), the suffering (Breast Cancer Walk), the hungry and homeless (Share ministry which provides a hot meal 6 times a year - we partner with other churches so every Saturday of the year is covered.)
Believe Walk
Team Presbyterian forms to walk the first Sunday of October each year in support of The Believe Walk, organized by Inland Women Fighting Cancer and Stater Bros charities, to raise critical funds for local cancer centers and to improve the level of care for cancer patients and their families, in California’s Inland Empire.

Hunger Walk
Team Presbytery forms to walk the first Saturday of June each year in support of the Hunger Walk organized by the Family Service Association (FSA) of Redlands. The funds raised help FSA address food insecurity in our community.
Share Ministry
Team Presbytery forms to walk the first Saturday of June each year in support of the Hunger Walk organized by the Family Service Association (FSA) of Redlands. The funds raised help FSA address food insecurity in our community.