our team.

Rev. Cheryl Raine

Reverend Cheryl Raine started serving as pastor of the FPC Redlands in January of 2017. Her passion for ministry is to help people “connect head to heart” for this connection is the transformative Spirit at work. Prior to this call she served the First Presbyterian Church of Garden Grove for fourteen and a half years.
She is a graduate of San Francisco Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity, and California State University, B.S. Chemical Engineering. She worked in the natural gas industry as a Chemical Engineer prior to her ordination within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in June of 2002. Cheryl’s partner in life is Paul and they have adult twin sons, Aaron who is married to Kayla with their precious daughters Lindsey and Peyton, and Jason who is married to Colette. She enjoys hiking and just being outdoors! As a whole family they enjoy house boating, water sports, and golf.
Hart Tan
Pastor Hart Tan was commissioned as a Local Pastor (CLP) for our Indonesian speakers on March 8, 2005, after being encouraged by the installed pastor to seek his CLP certification through San Francisco Theological Seminary. On January 16, 2000, he had become a member of the First Presbyterian Church along with his wife Lina, his ministry partner. Pastor Hart was born into a Christian home in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesian, and immigrated to the United States in 1987, settling first in San Bernardino and then in Redlands. Pastor Hart speaks Indonesian, English, and Javanese.
His career prior to ministry was engineering, focusing on building construction. He considers his call challenging as he provides pastoral leadership to our Indonesian speakers while encouraging intercultural fellowship with all of God’s children, for we are one body with many languages. Pastor Hart is encouraged in ministry as he remembers Jesus’ words, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” [Luke 10:2a].
Judy Tanner

Judy Tanner, our church secretary, joined our staff in 2011. Before discovering the joys of working in a church office, she enjoyed incarnations as an office manager, administrator, purchasing agent, property manager, and credit union loan officer.
Judy has been a mountain biking enthusiast for over thirty years. She hikes with her two dogs, raises organic vegetables, and is an insatiable and eclectic reader.
Dr. Joe Modica

Joseph Modica returned to FPC Redlands in September of 2019 after having served as our music Director from 1997 – 2003. During his absence he earned a master’s degree and doctorate and taught at the college level for eleven years. He served as the Interim Director of the School of Music at the University of Redlands and the Artistic Director of the Inland Master Chorale. He and his wife Candice are both involved in the Redlands Theatre Festival which was founded by Candice’s father.
He has two children and Candice has two children of her own. He loves to cook, play golf, and spend time with his family.
Job Opening

This position became available March 1, 2024. Use this link to access the job description. Send resumes to fpcredlands@gmail.com attention Pastor Cheryl Raine.
Rev. Ron Duvall

Rev. Ron Duvall first came to First Presbyterian Church of Redlands in 2000, having served two churches in the Presbytery of Riverside over 16 years before leaving the pastorate for a new calling as an RN.
He is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree and Stanford University with a Bachelor of Arts degree. His nursing degree is a Bachelor of Science from Loma Linda University School of Nursing, and he retired from Loma Linda University Health after 20 years of working in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and the Transplantation Institute there.
Pastor Ron is an avid rail fan (he digs trains!), a voracious reader, and a mediocre golfer. He follows the Angels and any team from Portland or Stanford. He tries, with varying success, to keep foremost in mind Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that [God is] God.”
Rev. Hameed Barkat

Rev. Hameed Barkat began his ministry on July 23, 1995 with the Pakistani/Indian Urdu Ministry of the Inland Empire while he waited for the completion of his immigration process. Rev. Barkat became a Presbyterian pastor during this time and was appointed as a New Church Development Organizer by the PC(U.S.A.), becoming a member of the Presbytery of Riverside in 2000. The ministry he led then became a part of the First Presbyterian Church of Redlands. Rev. Barkat served as a Parish Associate from 2008 until he was honorably retired in 2016. Rev. Barkat writes, "I will serve the Lord as long as I have breath, for I am grateful that God has allowed me to serve God's kingdom."
Alex Osborne

Alex Osborne joined the staff of First Presbyterian Church of Redlands on May 1, 2023, as a part-time Custodian. His home church is First United Methodist Church, our neighbors on Cajon Street. He has lived in Redlands for more than twenty years.
When Alex is not at work, he likes to spend time with his friends and family. He is a huge Dodger Fan and loves anything to do with sports. He also loves to cook during his free time.
Jim Appleton
Luann Bangsund
Kasim Barus
Jack Brennan
Marcia Fagan
Paul Lambert
Al Polchow
James Rager
Gayle Timilione
The Session is responsible for spiritual leadership as well as the governance of the congregation, as it guides the congregation’s witness of the sovereign activity of God in the world.
Angela Lambert
Susan Hunter
Chris Kane
Izar Martinez
Lynn Phelps
Ann Platz
Patti Robertson
Deborah Smith
Lina Tan
The ministry of the Board of Deacons “is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress” (Book of Order G-2.0201).