“Your steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, your
faithfulness to the clouds. How precious is your steadfast love, O God!
All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.”
Psalm 36:5, 7
The beauty of Lake Powell is breathtaking, from the towering canyon
walls to the deep green waters reflecting the brilliant blue sky, on a
still morning. There is also beauty in the dark of night as the vast sky is
set ablaze with stars. I hear the psalmist say, “The heavens tell of the
glory of God” [Psalm 19:1], as I lie each night in my sleeping bag and
gaze heavenward. The expanse of the heavens is a sign to me of the
expanse of God’s steadfast love. God fills the expanse of the universe
and yet God cares for me. Along with the psalmist I proclaim, “What
are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care
for them” [Psalm 8:4] The simple fact that God cares for me, one
simple human life, in the expanse of the universe is nearly
incomprehensible. Like the psalmist I declare, “How precious is your
steadfast love, O God!”
The extravagance of your love, O God, never ceases to amaze me. I
am so thankful that you have called me by name and that I am
precious in your sight, honored and loved. I am thankful that no
matter what life throws at me you are ready and willing to gather me
in your loving arms. Thank you for loving me so generously. Amen.
