May 8, 2024
“An account of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham… the father of Perez and Zerah by Tamar… Salmon the father of Boaz by Rahab… David was the father of Solomon by the wife of Uriah [Bathesheba]…. And Jacob the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of who Jesus was born, who is called the Messiah.” {Selected verses from Matthew 1]
Matthew opens with a litany of names that tell us of Jesus’ ancestors all the way back to Abraham. In a society where women were merely property it is astonishing that women are mentioned at all. And all the women mentioned have a story, some more steamy than others. As our nation celebrates Mother’s Day this coming Sunday, who are the women that have impacted your life? Were they relatives or extended family, a teacher or colleague, an acquaintance or dear friend? I was fortunate to have a mother and father who did not subscribe to “traditional” rolls. My mom was an aircraft assembler! My dad was the main cook, cleaner, and milkman by profession! So, growing up I learned to mow lawns, cook, change tires, and clean, and so did my brothers. Beyond my mom, women teachers certainly shaped my love for learning and music. Dear women friends have been spiritual guides along the way as well. I am so grateful that at least some women were included in Jesus’ lineage recorded in Matthew. And as I read the names Tamar, Rahab, the wife of Uriah [Bethsheba], and Mary, I give thanks for the unnamed women who have shaped who we all are today. Who are the women who have impacted you

in life giving ways?
Mothering God, like a mother bear protecting her cubs, like a mother who comforts her child, I give thanks for your unwavering love for me, your precious child. Help me to recognize and give thanks for those who have “mothered” me in a life-giving way, helping me to be who I am today. Amen.