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You Are Mine


“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” [Isaiah 43:1b]


This passage from Isaiah is one that speaks deeply to my soul. Although God was speaking through to the prophet to the people of God, this verse can be personalized in a way that moves the very foundation of our lives. I challenge you to memorize this verse and as you do to insert your name like this: “Do not fear, [insert you name], for I have redeemed you. I have call you by name, [insert your name], you are mine.” Repeat this line again and again inserting you name and see if you sense God’s presence in a new and powerful way. During the last four years of my mother’s life, she didn’t know me. She would look directly at me and ask, “Is Cheryl going to come by today?” I would respond with compassion saying, “I don’t know, we will just have to see if she drops by.” A few weeks after she died, I walked a labyrinth and when I reached the center, the symbol for the heart of God, I had an overwhelming realization that my mom knew me again. She knew my name and tears of joy flowed. This is the same joy that fills my soul when I recite this verse with my name inserted. How amazing it is that God has called us by name, for we are God’s. May this joy carry us during this sabbatical season that is upon us.



Loving God, I am so grateful that you know my name. Although, this truth often overwhelms me, I am exceedingly grateful that I am your precious, honored, and beloved child. May I be a beacon of your love this day. Amen.


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