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You're It!


“You’re the first to hear and see it, you’re the witnesses.” [Luke 24:48]


We have been reading about resurrection encounters since Easter morn. Jesus continues to appear in different ways to those whom he walked with during his ministry. This coming Sunday we are in the Gospel of Luke and Jesus stood among his disciples once again.  Jesus said, “Peace be with you,” and they were startled as well as terrified yet again.  Of course, to be fair, this is the first occurrence of Jesus with the disciples in this Gospel. The women had encountered men in dazzling white at the empty tomb. Jesus then appeared to Cleopas and his companion on the road to Emmaus. And now to the disciples. Jesus doesn’t want their fears to rule their future, so he gives reminds that they are the witnesses to his ministry. They were the first to hear and see and experience the kindom of God coming near through his ministry. So, Jesus commissions them, saying, “You are witnesses of these things… you will be clothed with a power from on high.” The disciples don’t have to tell their story alone! The Spirit accompanies them and so does the peace of Christ. So why is it, some 2,000 years later we often fall prey to the fallacy that ministry is about our effort? Let us remember that the power from on high is with us, the Spirit as word in us and this

is what makes ministry possible!



Holy One, thank you for your willingness to go with me into each day. Give me the courage to bear witness to my faith as I move through my day. Amen.


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